My free R&D for a sustainable sharing caring world:
Low $ tension deep well water pumps & variable
stroke fluttering airfoil windmill, pump
& service faster than wind & hand pumps.
The "Flutter well" for boreholes & floating "Flo'-Pump"
for dugouts, pump by oscillating in light wind but feather in high.
Seeking dealers/partners only. Not DIY
designs: treadle "Yardpump" for well (backup) "Cottage Pump" for a winter cabin waterpumping
Free BIKE Design: Farthing
Penny Rock'n Roll Arm Assist Grocery Bike, Folding mini version Back-pedal
stirrup brake Backpedal Brake of Rear Derailleur
Wind turbine theory & easy blade design
DIY chineless compound curved plywood Canoe,
Sliding seat trapeze Arrow sailing dinghy
solo or duo.
DIY front rowing
rig especially for canoes.
2022 solo “A”
Vampire foiling cat design