The FIRST sheet plywood canoe with all
the traditional compound canoe curves!
15’9”x33”x13” ROUND
BILGE canoe from just two 1/8” ply sheets
Fair unkinked RADIUS
CHINES with parallel sides amidships
Innals & tumblehome
transition to gunwale overhang & V to keep bow dry
Traditional bow recurve
and rocker with sharply upturned sheer
Optional U stern
sections, no rocker, straight stern assist tracking
45 lbs with heavy
glassing below waterline to allow beaching
Optional Drop-in DIY front
rowing rig makes solo
very fast video
Only Bow keeline and
midships butt joints need Fiberglas taping
Very LOW glue and resin
Complete SIDES can be
nested for shipping for DIY completion
Click for Detailled Design and
Construction Notes
Construction technique also allows rolled deck
radius chine skiff
